
The Johnstown Concert Ballet has been in existence for 59 years and was founded by the late Carla
Prucnal. The Johnstown Concert Ballet is committed to further the classical ballet dance form in
Johnstown PA and is currently under the direction of Eden Mishler Ihrig.

Congratulations to all dancers, faculty, staff, volunteers and families on a fantastic spring production!

Spring Performance

By |January 5th, 2022|

Also Excerpts from Serenade. Tickets $20 non refundable. April 23,2022 2p.m. Pasquerlla Performance Arts center. Click READ MORE for ordering online.

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Nutcracker 2021

By |December 12th, 2021|

This performance dedicated to Carla Prucnal.Excerpts from dress rehearsal

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By |December 1st, 2021|

To order online go to Read More. To pay by check call: 814 536 7599 

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Ballet was difficult for me; I was not a natural, but it became my outlet, where I met new people, new ideas and new art forms. A lot of my personal growth and discipline are a credit to working with Carla Prucnal.

A surgeon at Conemaugh Health

It’s not like sports because there is no end game, it is all part of the process and the residual benefits are for a lifetime

An educator

Ballet relaxes me. I can empty my mind. I work hard, but nothing good comes without earning it. I will always remember how to carry myself, walk and sit.

A current dancer

I wanted my daughter in a form of dance that would help her respect herself as a girl. The young one says: I love being on the big stage with all the lights on me and everyone watching

A mother of a young dancer

Dance makes me happy, even when it’s difficult. I feel like I am full of energy. It has improved my coordination, balance, endurance, memory and discipline. As a result, it has helped me academically as well as physically

A 6th grader

Johnstown Concert Ballet

A nonprofit, educational, organization which continues to raise the barre on dance instruction, expression, and performance. With classical ballet at our core, the JCB strives to contribute to the lifelong development of everyone in our communities, academically and culturally, by:

Encouraging the progress of dancers who have a serious interest in classical ballet.
Fostering educational programs for students of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.
Staging classical and innovative performances for communities throughout Johnstown and neighboring areas.

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